Thursday, June 2, 2011

Two Beautiful Huskies Male & Female Avaliable for adoption

Pet ID A405824
Landon, is a lovely Siberian Husky. He is about 3 to 4 years old.
He is very mellow, peaceful and serene. 
He would be a great walking and or running dog.
He is very calm and walks along side you on the leash.
He is avaliable for adoption today.
If you are intrested please visit the shelter and ask to see him.
He is currrently in Kennel 53, Come say Hi!

Pet ID A406245
Meet Jamie. Jamie is a 2 year old Siberian Husky. She is a lovely adorable sweetheart.
She is very graceful and loves to be by your side.
She walks very well on a leash and is very femine. 
She is avaliable for adoption on the 9th of this month.
Come visit Kennel 47 and say Hello!

Update as of  June 5th - Both dogs were adopted or picked up by the owner :)
Keep Viewing for new postings of animals available to adopt!

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