Twitter "Follow us" Help Win 7K

Every month 1500 animals enter the San Bernardino Animal Shelter. Every month 800 are euthanized. Help HEAL - –Helping Every Animal League – spread the word of spaying and neutering byy helping HEAL win $7,000  to be used for the spaying & neutering of unaltered pets in the San Bernardino area. By altering our pets we can help lower the euthanasia rate one animal at a time. To help HEAL win $7,000 from The Jason Heigl foundation. It takes just a few mintues. Log onto Twitter, and “follow” HEAL @friensofheal and The Jason Heigl Foundation @JasonHeiglfound . Next, State a comment @Jasonheiglfound referencing our rescue Ex: Jane Doe followed  @Jasonheiglfound on behalf of #friendsofheal. 

Not Sure how to twitter? or Computer Illiterate ? Just follow the steps below! Its easy!

Double click on the photos to make larger and view step by step.

1. First Log on to twitter

2. Next either sign in [option 1] or Sign up [option 2]

3. Follow HEAL by searching @friendsofheal

4. on the right hand side find @friendsofheal an select "follow"

5. Next Search @JasonHeiglFound

6. Find the Jason Heigl Foundation on the right hand side, and select "follow"

6. Go back to the main page by selecting "Twitter" on the top left.

7. Next Tweet. You must tweet at The Jason Heigl Foundation and mention HEAL as #Friendsofheal. 
"@JasonHeiglFound I'm following you because
 of  #Friendsofheal "
[the tweet must be directed at @JasonHeiglFound and feature #FriendsofHeal  so HEAL will get credit]
Then select Tweet.

Thank you for your Patients and Tweet, The Animals Thank you. With more Spayed and Neutered animals, together we can lessen the impact of the overpopulated shelter.

